Thursday 25 July 2013



What is cloud:

  A cloud is like a server which communicates with other computers over a

network such as LAN,WIFI etc. What normally a  server does is,it  hosts files of  the user and 

manipulates data according to instructions given to it and the returns the data to the user.

 When internet is first interduced, people used to use there

own computers as servers ,but when net users increased during these past 50 years

it became difficult for a individual or small organisation to maintain their own servers ,as it costed

them more (to maintain servers for power,firewalls,equipment,workers, maintenance etc) than

income they got. Due to this web business reached loss,then they used large computers to maintain

data,but this too failed due to increased users and cost to maintain those equipment,then they thought

of a idea that could make possibility for  users to use  applications without buying them from

vendors,without installing them,without maintaining personal servers and they could access those

 files from any computer . This idea is nothing but cloud.

Formal definition:

                Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources

rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications. This is formal definition

as far as i know.

Let me explain cloud with a example.
                 Suppose you own a company and you had a server to maintain 10,000 TB data and

several softwares your staff to work, but you couldn't maintain the server because your income is

1,00,000 per month server maintenance costs you 1,20,000; obviously you will run  into loss,so

what to do?

The answer is go to cloud.

So what does cloud  to solve your problem?

                  Cloud takes all of your data keeps it in its own location. Then it gives access to those

data to you. So you and your staff can access to the data location and work on it(this is simple as you

access from your own server) do from your own server. Cloud supports logging to that data from any

place,any time,any method and any number of users but to have to pay the vendor(if you get 1,00,00

every month you have to pay 10,000 to 20,000), it rises only one problem,that is,is your secret files

are open to all (though they are secure but thee is is possibility of accessing data by the vendor on

severe circumstances).

                  If you still couldn't understand let me give a simple example, you are familiar with

Facebook(every one knows), Facebook takes data such as photos,friend names etc.You just have

to use username,password to login to your data don't have the data (posts,photos,friends,

comments etc) with you .

so how it is possible?
                 Answer is simple. Facebook is a kind of cloud which maintains all your data,your friends

and stores it in a place (cloud) and when you log in it links your data to other according to instructions,

but you never installed a program for that  These programs are supplied by Facebook and are used to 

access your data without installing any software,This is what cloud does.

The complete function of cloud is this, a cloud takes softwares from various companies and

maintains it in a place. Users who have access can log in to that data and use it, but you couldn't own it.

You need to pay little amount for it,(instead of paying huge amounts to maintain those data)

,advantage is you need not maintain servers that cost much,no need to buy costly softwares ;just rent

it,no need to maintain strong firewalls to your data.


 1. No need to maintain servers to keep large data.

2. No need to maintain firewalls.

3. No need to buy costly equipment.

4. No need to own large place for offices or business.

5. Business or office can be easily shifted from one place to other.

6. No need to buy costly softwares,firewalls,renew it and all ths nonsense.

7. Capacity of working data,staff can be increased or decreased just in a single

click or a phone call.

 8. Instead of having small firewall to protect from hackers, a firewall with strong

surveillance can be used.


1. Your secret data will be open to government,private people.

2. You could not own anything.

 3. Internet connections should be very fast(not a big task to companies).

4. No cracks can be made for softwares(poor college students).


           Cloud can fulfill dreams of small companies to maintain data as big companies,can show

hope for unemployed and show new path for developers. Data could be securely organised without

any tension.Future with cloud can bring a lot development in ICT (Information and communication



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